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多丽丝E. 马德拉内窥镜套房在日间国内买球的正规网站有哪些的流动护理单位提供全面的内窥镜服务,通过我们的流动护理单位的诊断和治疗各种疾病和条件.

请安排在戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些的内窥镜检查 contact one of our associated gastroenterologists >

Bronchoscopy allows your doctor to view your throat, larynx (voice box), 通过一种叫做支气管镜的薄观察仪器检查气管和下气道. 根据支气管镜检查的目的,支气管镜可以是柔性的也可以是刚性的. 这个程序可以用来寻找呼吸问题的原因, take tissue samples, 诊断和治疗某些呼吸道和肺部疾病, and control bleeding. Flexible bronchoscopy is done under sedation; rigid bronchoscopy requires general anesthesia. 

A colonoscopy is done to screen for, 诊断和治疗各种结肠疾病和状况, or large intestine, including colon cancer. The doctor uses a colonoscope (a long, 灵活的, 带有摄像机的细管,用来观察结肠的内壁. 整个过程大约需要30到60分钟,患者在镇静状态下完成. If the doctor finds an abnormality during the exam, 他或她也可以通过结肠镜对异常组织进行活检.

Endoscopic Biopsies
内窥镜活检允许医生通过内窥镜提取内部组织样本, which is 一个瘦, 中空的管子上装有灯和摄像机,工具也可以通过. 这可以让医生看到可疑组织或肿瘤所在的区域, and to get a sample of the tissue for testing.

喉镜检查是一种诊断程序,医生用发光的镜来检查你喉咙的后部, 喉(声带)和声带,以帮助确定各种问题的原因,包括声音问题, throat and ear pain, and difficulty swallowing. The scope may also be used to perform a biopsy, remove foreign objects from the throat, or remove 息肉 from the vocal cords. 范围可以是刚性的,也可以是柔性的,这取决于要执行的特定问题或程序. 柔性喉镜检查通常在医生的办公室进行, 而硬性喉镜检查是在全麻下在医院进行的. 

膀胱镜检查是一种用于观察或治疗膀胱和/或尿道问题的程序. 膀胱镜是一种带有微型照相机的轻薄仪器. 医生可以用膀胱镜检查膀胱和尿道是否有异常. 微小的仪器也可以通过膀胱镜放置来执行治疗程序,如组织取样, placement of a ureter catheter to aid in urine flow, or removal of foreign objects, 肿瘤, 或石头. 手术可以在局部、脊柱或全身麻醉下进行.

胃镜检查 involves the use of an endoscope (一个瘦k, 灵活的, 装有微型照相机的发光管,用来观察食道, 胃和十二指肠(小肠的第一部分),以便诊断和治疗影响这些器官的疾病和状况, such as cancer, 胃灼热 and ulcers.

乙状结肠镜检查可以让你的医生看到肛门的内壁, 通过软性或刚性乙状结肠镜检查直肠和大肠下部, 一个瘦, 点燃, hollow tube with a tiny camera attached. A sigmoidoscopy may be performed to screen, diagnose and treat a variety of diseases and conditions, such as colon cancer, 息肉, hemorrhoids and inflammatory bowel disease. The procedure takes only about 5 to 15 minutes, unless tissue samples are taken or 息肉 removed, and is done with the patient under sedation.

TEE (Transesophageal Echocardiography)
A transesophageal echocardiography is an echocardiogram, or specialized ultrasound of the heart, 这是通过在食道中放置一个薄的超声探头来完成的, rather than passing a probe over the outside of the chest. This allows for a better view of the heart, 因为胸壁的骨骼和肌肉不碍事. The procedure is done under sedation.

Upper Endoscopy and Ulcer Treatment Procedures
An upper endoscopy, also called an esophagogastroduodenoscopy or EGD, uses an endoscope (一个瘦, 装有微型照相机的发光管,用来观察食道, 胃和十二指肠(小肠的第一部分). 上消化道内窥镜检查可用于诊断和治疗上消化道的各种疾病和病症, such as ulcers, 胃灼热, abdominal or chest pain, nausea and vomiting, bleeding and problems swallowing. 这个过程通常需要大约20分钟,并且是在镇静状态下进行的.

计费 & Payment 信息

Please note that 计费 for endoscopic procedures will be submitted to your insurance carrier by more than one party; the physician’s practice for professional services, 戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些提供设施服务,北美麻醉合作伙伴(NAPA)提供麻醉服务(如适用). 请向您的保险公司查询您的具体保险范围, 元钱, 免赔额, provider network and any prior authorization requirements. 如果您对Day Kimball医院的账单有疑问或需要帮助支付护理费用, please contact our team of financial counselors. 看到我们的 计费 page for more information.

Other Services Integrated with Endoscopic Services

Diagnostic Services: Diagnostic Imaging
Specialty Care: Cardiology
Specialty Care: Digestive Health
Specialty Care: Nephrology
Specialty Care: Pulmonary Medicine
Surgical Care: 耳、鼻 and Throat Surgery
Primary Care

Related Areas of Interest

Surgical Care: 概述
Day Kimball Hospital: Ambulatory Care Unit
Day Kimball Hospital: Campus Map and Directory
Day Kimball Hospital: Financial Assistance



What To Expect

  • 工作人员将在您预定的程序前3天通过电话确认您的预计到达时间.
  • 计划在医院待三个小时. 手术时间一般为1小时,剩余时间为手术前准备和恢复时间.
  • 医生会在出院前与你和你的家人一起检查检查结果.

Important Things to Remember

  • Please follow pre-procedure instructions.
  • Nothing to eat or drink after midnight.
  • 在医院工作人员确认的时间到达医院.
  • 病人在手术后得到茶点.
  • ACU的工作人员将在你的手术后72小时内给你打电话,检查你的状态并回答任何问题.
  • 在你的手术结束后,你必须有一辆车送你回家,一个负责任的成年人来检查并签署你的出院指示.


位置, Hours and 联系 信息

请安排在戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些的内窥镜检查 contact one of our associated gastroenterologists >

Day Kimball Hospital
Ambulatory Care Unit, First Floor
320 Pomfret Street
Putnam, CT 06260 
Get directions >

Phone: (860) 963-6350
Fax: (860) 963-6413

Hours: Weekdays: 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

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