


二月是美国心脏月, 这是提醒我们关注内心的时刻, 鼓励我们的家庭, 朋友, 和所爱的人一起参与心脏健康.

根据美国心脏协会, 心血管疾病(心脏病), 中风, 和其他心血管疾病)占近800人,000人死亡, 或者说每三个死亡中就有一个. 平均每40秒就有一人死于心血管疾病, 我们可能都认识一些患有心脏病的人. Day Kimball医疗保健 (DKH), we work hard each and every day to change these statistics and improve the odds for the residents of Northeastern Connecticut, 我们要感谢东北社区的帮助.

也被称为“生存链”, DKH随时准备着高品质, 全面和协调的心脏护理方案. 从初级预防, 到急救中心, 测试和高级程序, 对康复, each link in the chain is strengthened through highly trained and dedicated professionals with access to state-of-the art facilities made possible primarily through philanthropic support. Our Townsend Emergency Center and Cardiopulmonary 康复 Center are just two examples of what we’ve been able to accomplish together, 不仅改善了所有年龄和所有类型损伤患者的预后, 而是为心脏病发作和中风提供一流的护理, 从发病到康复.

2015年11月竣工, 汤森德急救中心是数百人共同努力的结果, 企业, and organizations answering the call to our $3 million “Care in a Heartbeat Campaign” with gifts ranging from two dollars to $500,为建造和装备最先进的紧急护理设施. 结果是, patients who come to the DKH ED suffering from a cardiac or 中风 event receive specialized care faster than CT and national averages. 

由ED医学主任,Dr. Steven Wexler and a team of expert ED physicians and ED nurses certified in advanced cardiac life support, 病人可以稳定下来并被运送到马萨诸塞大学纪念医疗中心的导管实验室, DKH在重症监护方面的合作伙伴, 立即治疗. DKH也被联合委员会指定为高级初级中风中心. Our 中风 care team also collaborates with UMass neurologists by using cutting-edge tele 中风 video-conferencing technology right at the patient’s bedside to rapidly diagnose and treat patients suffering a 中风. And thanks to an increased awareness and appreciation of the long-term benefits of prevention and rehabilitation services, our ability to provide the community with these life-saving measures is just the beginning of our relationship with cardiac and pulmonary patients.

除了帮助病人度过心脏事件的创伤, DKH is equipped to help in a patient’s recovery and improve their cardiovascular health through our Cardiopulmonary 康复 Program. 生命之链的最后一环, 心肺康复是降低死亡率的重要步骤, 住院治疗, and use of medical resources while improving the quality of life of patients following a cardiac event. 

自八十年代中期以来,大康健一直为心脏病患者提供心脏康复服务. 在婴儿期, 而且只能在医院的几个小房间里使用, 30 to 40 patients were actively involved in a 12 to 15 week intensive rehabilitation program which was initiated in the hospital and continued on an outpatient basis. 但是缺少空间, 限制所需的设备,并将每次的教育课程限制在五人以内. 认识到需要扩大和增加进入13个城镇区域的机会, contributions to the 1989-90 annual fund enabled a small expansion within the hospital and the addition of a maintenance phase of the program in the Danielson Medical Center. 

随着项目的不断发展, 1995年进行了另一项重大努力, 筹集286美元,094 from the community to renovate the former Day Kimball Pediatric Center into a new spacious home for the program. The facility opened in June of 1997 and is where the Cardiopulmonary 康复 Center remains today. 这个设施是残疾人无障碍的, 特色更衣室, 淋浴, 一个大的运动区域, 教育中心, 以及专门的运动器材,以满足病人的不同需求. The 1997 renovation has proven to be invaluable in providing patients convenient and easy access to a high quality program and facility, 从那以后,社区一直对他表示感谢.

Of particular note are the contributions made through an annual fundraiser that began in 2008 called the “Heart of Rock & Roll”,由The Great Garage Band Reunion (TGGBR)演出。. Jim Millard and Tory Averna were two of the original band members who had become part of the cardiopulmonary rehab ‘family’ at DKH. Both had suffered heart attacks in 2007 within five weeks of each other and DKH’s rehab facility became a large part of their recovery. 他们对自己的经历非常满意, 治疗, 以及他们从工作人员那里得到的个人关注, 他们决定举办一场义演,为中心提供所需设备的资金. 2008年至2013年每年举办一次, 在杀人高中同学弗兰克·卡梅隆的帮助下, and Bob and Sue Langevin of Allen Hill Tree Farm; major annual sponsors Putnam Bank and Gerardi 保险; and the DKH Cardio Rehab staff, 这次活动筹集了50多美元,为心肺康复基金拨款,购买最先进的运动器材.
配备一队注册护士和运动生理学家, the Center currently treats anywhere from 45-55 patients per month and offers a four phase program including inpatient consultation, 遥测监测运动, 心脏健康生活和预防的教育和咨询, 并在护理监督下进行保养锻炼. 

我们的病人通常称之为"家人", 临床协调员及注册护士, 卡罗尔Artiaco, 运动生理学家, 布伦达Rich-Pike, 科莱特·科特, RN, 共同为DKH项目和服务带来了80年的经验. 他们对病人表现出的关心和关怀是超越一切的, 而且医院离急诊室很近, patients have the comfort of knowing that any emergent situation that may arise will be addressed quickly – something that Sylvia Miller, 一个忠实的布鲁克林心脏康复病人, 我能亲自证明. 

Under the watchful eye of rehab staff, Sylvia began to show signs that something just wasn’t right. 在康复中心工作人员的适当监督下,并立即咨询她的主治医生, Sylvia was brought directly to the DKH ED where it was determined that she was suffering from multiple pulmonary embolisms. She was treated and is slowly getting back to normal but with a new and greater appreciation for what the exercise program and clinical staff have done for her health and her life. 

这样的经历激励了像TGGBR的吉姆和托里这样的病人, 还有无数其他的人, 回馈和支持一个帮助他们康复的项目. 在汤森急救中心建成后不久, 216美元的遗赠,通过莱昂纳德和芭芭拉·威洛克夫妇的财产收到了一万美元的急诊科资金, 一对当地夫妇,他们大部分时间都生活在奎尼鲍格,过去曾是DKH患者. 莱纳德还接受了10年的心脏康复治疗, and he and his wife made the decision early on in their care that DKH was an important asset to the community and would be deserving of their support. 

本着美国心脏月的精神, we call attention to these and other resources that DKH has been able to make available to help patients who have suffered a recent cardiac event, 或者有心脏疾病的风险, 并鼓励你利用这些类型的程序. 医生推荐是进入DKH心脏康复计划所需要的全部, 所以问问你的医生你是否符合条件. 如果你是, come in for an assessment and our staff will get you started on the path to heart health with your personalized exercise prescription. 

你想了解更多关于心脏病和预防的知识吗? Our heart disease education classes help to build awareness and understanding of heart disease and how to help prevent cardiac events through lifestyle modification. 它们不仅仅适用于心脏康复患者. Classes are free and open to the general public, and are held every Wednesday, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. 不需要预先登记. 了解更多 >

当林登·B. 1964年,约翰逊宣布美国心脏月, 美国一半以上的死亡是由心血管疾病引起的. 今天, cardiovascular disease claims more lives each year than all forms of cancer and chronic respiratory disease combined (American Heart Association, 2017). The good news is that heart disease can often be prevented when people make healthy choices and manage their health conditions. 如果你还没这么做的话, 影响你的心的未来, 还有你所了解和爱的心, by getting involved in American Heart Month and spreading the word about the importance of heart healthy living.


你有问题吗?, 担忧, 分享故事, 或者与慈善事业和戴金博尔医疗保健相关的话题,你想了解更多? 请随时拨打860-928-7141或发送电子邮件与克里斯汀联系 kewillis@zona313.net.







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